Nimbus Maps

Software and data company

Nimbus® Maps is an award-winning software and data company providing the most comprehensive property information platform to the property industry in the UK

Our vision is to help everyone with an interest in property, be it professionally or personally, to create greater social and economic benefits by using their data and technology.

Our software helps developers, investors and professionals make the best property decisions.

FIND ideal land and property opportunities using filters and mapping layers.

ASSESS 1000s of information sources for residential and commercial property and land.

CONNECT with owners, key stakeholders, active buyers, sellers and occupiers, and their agents.

TRANSFORM properties by picking the best uses, mix and optimising development densities.

SUCCEED with unlimited access to our project management tool, training materials and expertise.



Paul Davis, co-founder of Nimbus Maps says:

“Our vision is to help everyone with an interest in property, be it professionally or personally, to create greater social and economic benefits by using their data and technology. I joined Qandor to support the property industry with the experience and insights I have learned in the last two decades as a developer, investor, consultant and prop tech founder.”


Nationwide Property Investing


Ocean Bathrooms